The University is the best legal higher education institution (HEI) in Ukraine according to the Top Universities by Citations in Top Google Scholar profiles
The Cybermetrics Lab has published the TRANSPARENT RANKING: Top Universities by Citations in Top Google Scholar profiles. https://webometrics.info/en/transparent
Citations from the top 210 public profiles of each university are collected. The top twenty profiles of the list are EXCLUDED for improving representativeness by removing outliers. For the rest of the top profiles, the numbers of citations are added and the institutions are ranked in descending order of this indicator.
This version consists only of Top entries (citations>1,000), about 4,800 institutions.
In January 2021 ranking (version 11.1.4 beta) Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University with a score of 4,531 citations was ranked 51st out of 67 Ukrainian universities in the ranking.
In a recently published ranking for January 2022 (version 13.0.1) with a score of 51,351 citations, the University improved its position by 40 positions and took 11th place.
It should be noted that according to this indicator, the University is the 1st among the legal HEI’s of Ukraine, the 3rd among HEI’s of Kharkiv and the 11th among 87 HEI’s of Ukraine, which were included in the ranking.
The top 3 places were taken by the US universities: Harvard University, Stanford University and University of California Berkeley.
In the global dimension, our University took 1,726th place. For comparison, in the ranking for January 2021, it was in 2,851st place. Thus, during the year Yaroslav Mudryi National University improved its position by 1,125 points. The universities of the Czech Republic (University of Economics Prague), Taiwan (Ming Chi University of Technology) and Poland (Poznan University of Medical Sciences) are ahead of us by several points.
The closest pursuers are Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Université de Technologie de Troyes, France and Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.
Data from this ranking will be used as an indicator of transparency for the next issue of the Ranking Web of Universities.