We invite you to take part in the roundtable discussion “Towards Resilient Environmental State in Times of Global Polycrisis”

The key speaker of the event is Enrico Albanesi, who will make a presentation on “The protection of the environment ‘in the interest of future generations’ under the 2022 amendment of the Italian Constitution”.

Enrico Albanesi is a Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Genoa, researcher and co-leader of the IALS Legal Reform Project at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), University of London.

In addition to Professor Albanesi’s speech, the roundtable will also feature presentations by professors from the Department of Environmental Law, the Department of Constitutional Law of Ukraine, the Department of European Union Law and the Department of Law Theory, as well as other Ukrainian and foreign experts, who will share their opinions on challenges and trends of building resilient environmental state in the current crisis conditions.

All participants of the roundtable will be able to take part in the discussion of the stated issues and will have the opportunity to ask the speakers their own questions.

The event will be held in a mixed format


Monday, 19 February, 12:00, Room 11 (2nd floor of the Central Building of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University)


12:00 Kyiv time (11:00 CET)

Link to connect on the Zoom platform:


Conference ID: 782 707 8917

Access code: 1

The event is free of charge. Languages of the event: English and Ukrainian