The Criminalistic Innovation Centre «intelligenTrident» at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, announces the International Competition for Students and Cadets Research in Forensics on the theme of «Military Field Forensics»

International Competition for Student/Cadet Research in Forensics

The Criminalistic Innovation Centre «intelligenTrident» at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, announces the International Competition for Students and Cadets Research in Forensics on the theme of «Military Field Forensics».

The goal of the competition: to encourage motivated and talented youth from Ukraine and partner countries to engage in scientific activities, ensuring the continuous development of forensics as a science, an educational discipline, and a field of legal practice on an innovative basis, serving the interests of effective counteractions by the civilised world to any manifestations of armed aggression.

Reward for participants: Participation is free of charge. Additionally, the authors of the three best works will receive a monetary reward equal to one month’s enhanced academic scholarship for students at higher education institutions in Ukraine, relevant to the date the results are announced (August 24, 2024).

Recommended research directions:

  • Novelties in general and specific forensic theories induced by the full-scale armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine;
  • Innovative forensic techniques and technologies in investigating crimes of aggression and war crimes;
  • Specifics of the tactics of investigative (search) and covert investigative (search) actions in investigating crimes under martial law, especially in areas of military (combat) operations;
  • Methods for investigating crimes of aggression and war crimes;
  • Legal protection of airspace from unlawful use ofmanned aviation and unmanned aerial vehicles under international and national law: gaps and ways to address them.

Format of the competition work: a scientific article that stands out for its relevance, originality, high theoretical value, and practical significance, independently conducted, and should have the following structure:

  • Problem statement in a general form and its connection with significant scientific or practical tasks;
  • Analysis of the latest research and publications by domestic and foreign scholars, which initiated the solution to the stated problem, taken as a basis by the author;
  • Identification of previously unresolved parts of the general problem the articleis dedicated to;
  • Formulation of the article’s objectives;
  • Presentation of the primary material of the study with full substantiation of the obtained scientific results;
  • Conclusions from the research and prospects for further explorations in this direction;
  • List of used sources.

Requirements for formatting the scientific article:

  • The article must be writtenin Ukrainian or English;
  • Prepared in MS Word, font – Times New Roman (maintext size 14 pt with 1.5 line spacing), no word breaks;
  • Recommended length of the article (excluding the list of used sources and annotations) – 10-12 pages;
  • The first line (right-aligned) – surname, name, and patronymic of the author(s) (bold font), student/cadet of which course, of which higher education institution, of which country;
  • Below (centred) – thetitle of the article in uppercase letters (bold font) in Ukrainian and English;
  • Followed by an abstract (up to 500 printed characters) and keywords (4–5 terms) in Ukrainian and English;
  • After a line break – the text of the article in Ukrainian or English;
  • References to the used sourcesare made in square brackets with the number of the source and specific pages, e.g., [3, p. 40–41], and the names of the sources are listed in the section “List of Used Sources” in the order mentioned in the text;
  • A bibliographic description of sourcesis provided according to DSTU 8302:2015.
  • Co-authorship is allowed (a maximum of 3 co-authors).
  • The jury reserves the right to reject any article that does not meet the above requirements.

Deadline and method of submission: by August 10, 2024, send the edited text of the article and an informal application to the email, which must include the full surname, name, title of the article, place of study, email address, and contact phone number of the author, consent for the publication of the competition work’s topic, full surname, name, patronymic, and place of study of its author(s), mentioning in the email subject “Competition Scientific Work”.

The results will be announced and the winners awarded on August 24, 2024, Ukraine’s Independence Day.

Contact person: Vasyl Bilous, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, national expert of the Council of Europe in Ukraine in the field of forensics, Head of the Criminalistic Innovation Centre «intelligenTrident» (

All participants whose works fully meet the competition requirements will be offered an opportunity to publicly defend their scientific achievements before a highly motivated target audience.

We wish everyone inspired research, noble competitive struggle, satisfaction from diligent work, and the achieved results!

Best wishes,

Team of the Criminalistic Innovation Centre «intelligenTrident»

at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University