Lecture “Recent developments in sanctions targeting Russia: Do sanctions work?” with Alexander Dmitrenko

Dear friends!

In 2014, when Crimea was despicably occupied by Russia, the global community responded with unprecedented actions, imposing a series of international sanctions on the aggressor state. This response gained even more strength in 2022 with the commencement of a full-scale invasion of our territory.

Given the circumstances, it’s not surprising that the general concept of international sanctions is familiar to us. However, few people truly understand how the system of sanctions operates and its complexity.

That’s why we are thrilled to present to you a unique opportunity to acquire or deepen your valuable knowledge in this field. Please join an upcoming lecture, “Recent developments in sanctions targeting Russia: Do sanctions work?” on 6 November 2023, which will be delivered by the highly experienced specialist, Alexander Dmitrenko. Alexander is a Canadian-Ukrainian lawyer and a partner in the Tokyo office of the international law firm Ashurst. With over 15 years of experience in white-collar defense, internal investigations, and dispute resolution, he has a diverse background, advising clients on a wide range of issues, including sanctions and export controls, anti-bribery and corruption, anti-money laundering, human rights, forced labor, and other compliance-related laws and regulations.

This event is not just about understanding; it’s about empowerment. It’s about equipping you with practical skills and knowledge to navigate the complex world of international sanctions, especially in the context of the ongoing challenges in our region.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity – register using the following link.

Time of event: 6 November 2023, 14:00

Place of event: online via MS Teams

Language: English (presentation slides will be bilingual ENG/UKR)