Intensive online modules on European Studies from the University of Latvia
The Department of Political Science of the University of Latvia invites you to participate in several online intensive modules on European Studies in English. The modules is specially designed for participants (students and civil servants) from Ukraine and Moldova to equip participants with skills and knowledge, considering Ukraine`s and Moldova`s closer integration and potential membership in the EU.
The modules:
- European studies – Domestic Affairs (12 ECTS) will cover following topics: policy analysis, policy making, good governance, Latvian experience being a EU country, change management, public diplomacy and strategic communication. The module will take place between of September 9 – October 5.
- European studies – Foreign Affairs (12 ECTS) will cover topics like foundation of EU, institutions of EU History of EU enlargement, EU integration theories, Europeanization process, Economic Europeanization, Political Europeanization, regionalisation, Europeanisation and national identity. The module will take place online between October 7 – October 31.
- European studies – Domestic Affairs / Accession issues for public servants, employees of local governments and teachers of universities (6 ECTS) with topics: good governance, evidence based policy making, accession negotiations process and tactics; policy analysis, management of reforms, policy coordination, strategic communication, internal coordination of accession process, membership obligations, EU project management. The module will take place November 5 – November 22.
All modules will be online (via Zoom) during evening sessions (18.00-21.00).
The participants will receive credit points (ECTS) which will be supported by special certificates based on the attendance records. Certificates will be issued for any participant with at least 33% of attendance.
The participants are free to decide on the total number of modules they would like to attend.
Who can apply: Students of all levels (BA, MA, PhD students) and public servants are encouraged to apply for selected modules.
Costs: All modules are free of charge.
Application deadline: September 3, 2024 (23.00 CET).
How to apply: Please apply via electronic application platform format the University of Latvia.
Please note the following steps during application: Join our Application platform→bilateral agreements→create a profile→fill out the data (profile, contacts, home university)→tick the module you want to attend→submit.
The detailed Guide for Application is available.
Please note codes for modules when you apply:
- Code 20001 Bachelor – you apply for module European studies – Foreign Affairs (12 ECTS);
- Code 20002 Master – you apply for module European studies – Domestic Affairs (12 ECTS);
- Code 20008 PhD – you apply for both modules – Domestic and Foreign Affairs;
- Code 20010 Post Doctoral – you apply for European studies – Domestic Affairs / Accession issues for public servants, employees of local governments and teachers of universities (6 ECTS).
If you have any questions:
Please contact prof. Iveta Reinholde, e-mail: iveta.reinholde@lu.lv or Ms. Aleksandra Kjakste: aleksandra.kjakste@lu.lv