Guest lectures on Constitutional Criminal Procedure with Professor Dolores Ann Donovan!
Professor Donovan specializes in constitutional and comparative law. Her publications deal with the legal systems of developing nations and criminal justice systems. Her articles can be found in domestic and foreign law journals, ranging from peer-reviewed publications such as the American Journal of Comparative Law to the Ethiopian Law Review.
Donovan is a consultant to governments, foundations and governmental international development agencies. She was Advisor to the Cambodian Constitutional Drafting Committee, the South Asia Regional Senior Equity Advisor to the U.S. Agency for International Development, a senior Fulbright Professor at the Ethiopian Civil Service College, a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School and a visiting professor at the University of California Hastings College of Law and the East China Institute of Politics and Law in Shanghai. Her most recent publication (2021) is a review of Legal Pluralism in Ethiopia, eds. Assefa and Apple.
Topics include: Classes will be devoted to constitutional criminal procedure and comparative law as legal pluralism or decolonization of legal systems.
Time: The course called «Constitutional Criminal Procedure» will be held at 17:00 Ukrainian time from April 17, 19 and 21. There will be 3 classes in total.
After completing the course participants have the opportunity to receive personal certificates of completion of training!
The registration for the course will last until 14.04.2023 (inclusive).