Online training course “The Rule of Law and European Values in the modern ages: Measuring their impact on the Administration of Justice in times of war”
The School of Law of UCLan Cyprus (link to the website) is pleased to announce the online training course on “The Rule of Law and European Values in the modern ages: Measuring their impact on the Administration of Justice in times of war” in the CRoLEV Online Training Course Series (link to the website).
This 6-hour online training course looks at the good functioning of a system of administration of justice, composed of law enforcement agencies, prosecution, courts, and penitentiary agencies, all of vital importance for enhancing or strengthening the Rule of Law in European countries.
Course description
The course will cover general theories of the rule of law, followed by an international overview of modern Rule of Law approaches developed by international and European organisations. After the introduction, the theme of measurement of rule of law will be presented. The course focuses on instruments and how to measure the level of rule of law based on surveys, perceptions and tools for rating and ranking countries using objective information and indicators. An overview of the work of the Council of Europe in the field of the rule of law and administration of justice will follow. Since rule of law principles are related to (European) values and European Union policies, the course will continue with a presentation of the EU Rule of Law framework, European values, and the linkage with the provision of financial support to EU member states. The last part of the course will be dedicated to the (measurement) of rule of law in countries at war. One case study will be presented: Ukraine.
Date: Thursday, 04 April 2024
Time: 09:00-17:00 Cyprus time. The event will take place online via Microsoft Teams.
Session 1 (9:00-10:00): General theoretical notions on the rule of law
Session 2 (10:00-11:00): Empirical measurement of the rule of law: methods of measurement, strengths, and limitations of analytical models
Session 3 (11:00-12:00): European Rule of Law and administration of justice standards developed by the Council of Europe
Lunch break 12:00-13:30
Session 4 (13:30-14:30): The EU Rule of Law monitoring mechanism and conflicting European values in EU member states
Session 5 (14:30-15:30): Promoting Rule of Law in the context of efficiency of justice: the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe (CEPEJ)
Session 6 (15:30-16:30): Rule of Law in times of war. The case of Ukraine.
Conclusion (16:30-17:00): Wrap up and formative assessment
Registration: Admission is free, but registration is essential.
To register to attend the course, please click here
For further guidance on the registration, please email lawacademy@uclancyprus.ac.cy
For further information on the course, please email crolev@uclancyprus.ac.cy
Dr. Pim Albers (link to the page), Senior Visiting Fellow Rule of Law and Justice, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus and CRoLEV expert. Expert and owner of IUSTUS Consulting Services focused on the delivery of expertise and technical assistance to European and International Organisations, national donors and governments in the field of justice and law.
Introduction by Prof. Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou (link to the page), Professor of European Law and Reform, Head of School, School of Law, UCLan Cyprus, and CRoLEV Director.
For more information on the online course, please follow the link