Meet a guest lecture from the University Teknologi MARA!

Professor DATO’ DR RAHMAT MOHAMAD is currently the Deputy Vice Chancellor of University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. He is also a Professor of International Law and was the former Dean of the Faculty of Law, University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. Rahmat Mohamad was appointed as the fifth Secretary- General of the AsianAfrican Legal Consultative Organisation (AALCO) on 20 June 2008 at AALCO’s 47th Annual Session held in New Delhi, India. 

Here is more about Prof Rahmat.  

The topic of the guest lecture course “International law in the Post Covid-19 Pandemic”.  

Start: November, 01, 2021  

The course consists of 4 lectures (2 lectures per a week, duration of 1 lecture – 90 minutes.) 

  • International law in the Post Westphalian era. 
  • The role of UN Security Council in the maintenance of peace and security in the 21st century. 
  • The role of Developing Countries in the making of progressive International law. 
  • Pandemic Treaty: An analysis of the current International Health Regulations 2005. 

Registration is open till the 29th of October.  

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