Business and Human Rights (BHR): Mentorship Program for Ukrainian Early Career Researchers

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University are glad to announce the Mentorship program for Early career researchers on business and human rights in Ukraine.

The Program will equip participants with knowledge and skills in research methodologies and practical approaches relevant to the Ukrainian context, as well as will provide opportunities to become better integrated into the global BHR discourse and networks. This Program is meant to facilitate multidisciplinary thinking and collaborations and will be relevant for researchers from the fields of law, management, political science, and sustainability studies and other fields touching on business in society. Different conceptual perspectives will be covered, including interconnections between business and human rights, responsible business conduct, corporate sustainability, ESG, corporate social responsibility.

The program is open for 20 Early career researchers from Ukraine (PhD students and scholars with the research experience in BHR field no more than 3 years, as well as practitioners human rights defenders and CSOs representatives who undertake in-depth research as part of their work). The successful applicants will receive mentorship from international BHR experts.

The Mentorship program (June 2024 – March 2025) will combine self-study of materials provided by the coordinators of the Program, a series of 5 online BHR workshops (2-2,5 hours each) from prominent BHR experts, collaboration within small research groups (3-4 persons) under supervision of a mentor, and disseminating knowledge through BHR podcasts, seminars and other modalities. Total number of contact hours is approx. 40 hours. The self-learning component will be an important part of the Mentorship program. Participants will be offered self-learning packages depending on where they are on the BHR journey in order to facilitate the research and guidance from mentors.

Each participant will need to prepare a final research paper (individual or joint) with a view to publication.

Participants who meet all Program’s requirements (preparing the final paper, participation in the workshops, dissemination activities) will be awarded by Raoul Wallenberg Institute and Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University with Diplomas.

To apply for the Mentorship program, please submit an application form. The deadline to apply is 20th April 2024, 23.59 Kyiv time. Selected participants will be announced before 15th May. The Mentorship program will be conducted in English and working level English is a requirement.

The Program is free of charge.

The Program will be conducted via the video conferencing software Zoom. Participants must have access to appropriate computing facilities as well as a reliable internet connection to enable full participation in the online meetings.

The Mentorship program is part of the project ‘Support to Early Career Researchers for Fostering Sustainable Business Models in Ukraine’ implemented by Raoul Wallenberg Institute (Sweden) in partnership with Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine) and funded by Swedish Institute within ‘SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme – Special call Ukraine’.

Coordinator Olena Uvarova, Associate Professor, Chair of the International BHR Lab at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, MSCA4Ukraine Postdoc at the Law Group in Wageningen University, Co-President of the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association.

International AdvisorRadu Mares, Associate Professor at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights, the director of the Research and Education Department, and thematic leader for the Business and Human Rights area at RWI.

Program Research AssistantTamara Horbachevska, a fellow of the Sandwich PhD program at Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands, and a PhD student at the Department of Human Rights and Legal Methodology at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University.
