Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies Centre

Yuliia Razmietaieva


Head of the Centre


Hanna Ponomarova


manager of the Centre

Nataliia Filatova-Bilous


manager of the Centre

The Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies Centre was established on February 15, 2021 as a structural unit of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University.

The Centre shall promote the development of law, ethics and technology in the digital age through the conduct and promotion of research in law, ethics and digital technology, including interdisciplinary research at the intersection of these areas.

The main areas of the Centre’s academic research are: (1) “The Future of the Digital World”, (2) “Democracy in the Digital Age: Open Opportunities and Hidden Threats”, (3) “Legal and Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence”, (4) “Security Challenges Against the Background of Information and Hybrid Wars”.

The Centre provides expertise in the field of law, ethics and digital technologies, including analysis of legislation, administrative and judicial practice and provides scientific and expert opinions.

Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies Centre

84-A, Pushkinska street, room 802, Kharkiv

+ 38(050)1495005