The International Law Faculty

Ihor Samoshchenko


+38(057) 702-12-01

Associate Professor

Vitalii Kovtun

Deputy Dean


Associate Professor

The International Law Faculty (until March 15, 2014 – «Personnel Training Faculty for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine») was founded on December 1 of 1998. The faculty has two majors 081 “Law” and 293 “International Law”, students enrolled both in intramural and extramural form of studies.

Enrollment for the Major 293 “International Law started in 2012, it includes many various disciplines: European Union law; international private law; public international law; comparative law and foreign languages. The integrated approach to learning helps students to get all the required knowledge for successful employment in the future.

Special attention is paid to the student’s scientific work. Many students are involved in different academic activities in international law. Every year, university teaching staff prepares teams for the moot court competitions. Students participate in different moot courts, such as Telders International Law Moot Court Competition (Netherlands) Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, (USA), and The Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court (Germany), The Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. Also, students are active members of the European Law Student Association (ELSA). In addition, they are involved in inter-university scientific competitions, all-Ukrainian and international conferences. Some students are participants and winners of the Fulbright Scientific Exchange Program (USA).

More than 1200 students have graduated from the faculty since 2002, part of them work in the state bodies and consular’s or diplomatic agencies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Former students employed in various state bodies, international organizations, and private law firms.

Among famous graduates are

  • А. Zhuk (graduated in 2002) – Judge of the Supreme Court,
  • M. Avdeyevа (2003) –University Alumni Association Board Member,
  • R. Andarak (2003) – vice-president of Ukrainian representative to the European Union (Brussels, Belgium),
  • E. Boichenko (2003) – Attorney at Strasbourg Bar Association (France),
  • O. Karasevich (2003) – Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the Council of Europe (Strasbourg, France),
  • O. Kravets (2003) – Consul of the General Council in Munich (Germany),
  • O. Plodisty (2003) – Head of the Analysis and Planning Department of the Consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine,
  • O. Voronin (2004) – Head of the Council of Ukraine in Thessaloniki (Greece),
  • V. Ovechkin (2005) – First Deputy Chairman of the Odessa Regional Administration,
  • D. Kamkov (2006) ) – Interim Consul General of Ukraine in Guangzhou (People’s Republic of China),
  • А. Pushkin (2020) – The Consulate General of Ukraine in Shanghai (China),
  • O. Zolotareva (2007) Director of the Department of International Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine,
  • O. Kroutor (2008) – an employee of the IMF Headquarters in Washington (USA),
  • D. Kaleniuk (2009) – Executive Director of the Anti-Corruption Center,
  • Y. Zemlytska (2012 issue) – an employee of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (London, United Kingdom),
  • V. Jun (2014) – Lawyer of the Secretariat OSCE in Vienna (Austria),
  • A. Kolisnyk (2019) – Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (MP).

Some students continued their postgraduate studies and got their PhD. So more than 30 professors and candidates of legal science in the university are postgraduates of our faculty The dean’s office together with student council and alumni of the faculty organized the “Alumni Association of International Law faculty” in 2007. During the annual meeting alumni share their experience with current students, give them advices and tell success stories. Those meetings are popular with students, as there they gain new information about studying abroad and possibilities for future careers. At University bachelor’s and master’s students are offered a range of guest lectures, workshops and seminars provided by experienced people from business and government.

International Law Faculty

4, Dynamivska Street, 61023, Kharkiv, office 704, 705

 (057), 702-12-01

Office for international students

4, Dynamivska Street, 61023, Kharkiv, office 609
