About the University

Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University is one of the leaders in the field of international activity among higher legal education institutions. Annually the administration of the University has numerous meetings with representatives of governmental bodies of the foreign countries, foreign diplomats and partner universities. The University has agreements on cooperation with universities from the UK, France, Vietnam, Ireland, Spain, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, the USA, Uzbekistan, Sweden and other countries.

The University is a member of international associations and organizations, activity of which is directed at creation of strategies of effective international cooperation in the field of education and research, at joint search of ways of dealing with current problems and experience exchange. Membership in European University Association, European Law Faculties Association, European Public Law Organization is an indicator of international recognition of our law school.

After Ukraine had joined the Bologna Process, participation of the University in joint European projects, directed at introduction of information and innovation technologies in teaching process, its internationalization and improvement of management became especially important. The University participated in six Tempus programme joint projects, more than 200 lecturers of the University attended training courses abroad, and about 100 foreign colleagues had possibility to get acquainted with teaching process and research activity of the most famous law university of Ukraine.

 Many European universities became strategic partners of our University, among them Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), University of Lodz (Poland), University of Hertfordshire (UK), University of Oviedo (Spain), University College Cork (Ireland), Royal Institute of Technologies (Sweden).

The University delivers joint master’s programmes: International Law and European and International Business Law, taught in English, which allow graduates to get degrees of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Mykolas Romeris University and University Savoie Mont Blanc (France).

The University encourages academic mobility of students and lecturers on the basis of bilateral agreements with foreign education institutions.

The students of the University actively participate and get awards in international moot court competitions, such as Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition and Telders International Law Moot Court Competition.

On February 14, 2021 the NLU team entered the finals for the second year in a row and took second place in the National Rounds of one of the most prestigious moot courts in international law –  Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, and will represent Ukraine at the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in global online rounds.

For the fourth year  in  a  row,  the  NLU team takes the  first place  in  the National  Anti-Corruption  Moot  Court  Competition, an  annual educational event, on March 9, 2021.

The University  team came  second in  the  Telders International Law Moot  Court  Competition on June, 2020

On February 2017 the NLU team became the winner of National Moot Court Competition on International Criminal Law

NLU Debate Club is s an intellectual club founded in 2010 with the aim of educating and self-developing of students. At the end of the 2019/20 season, for the second time in a row, the NLU Debate Club became the owner of the honorary title of the best club of the year, ahead of the clubs of Kiev, Lviv, Odessa.

The NLU Students Scientific Society unites students researchers from all years of study and faculties. The most popular are International Law, Criminal Law and Civil Law societies.

In 2015 the NLU International Law Society was chosen by ILSA (International Law Students Association) as the best students society of the world -«Best All-Around Chapter» – in all indicators, including the number of participants (taking into account the total number of students) and the number of successful scientific, educational and social activities.

In 2005 NLU International Law Society won 1st place in the national competition for international humanitarian law, and the following year, under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), it organized such competition at University. .

Every year the members of International Law Society  take leading places in various competitions in international law, participate in international competitions in Hague, Warsaw, Budapest, Minsk, Yerevan, etc., hold model meetings of the UN Security Council, debates and round tables.

On December 2015 the NLU team took the first place in the Ukrainian national round of “The 4th European Human Rights Moot Court Competition” under the auspices of the Council of Europe and was recognized as the best in Ukraine

Since 2012 NLU International Law Society holds the annual all Ukrainian International Law Moot Court Competition. The competition consists of modeling the case in the International Court of Justice, during which students defend one of the fictional states and apply the rules of international law to the facts of a fictional dispute in English.

Participation in joint European projects (Tempus, Erasmus), together with the leading universities of Western Europe has always been one of the most successful areas of international cooperation of the University. The University has won the greatest number of international grants related to legal topics in Ukraine, was consortium coordinator in some of them. In recent years the University has won six joint European projects under the Tempus program, more than 270 members of academic staff of the University attended training courses abroad, and more than a hundred colleagues from Western universities visited our University. Many EU universities became our partners during these projects, among them Hertfordshire University (UK), University of Oviedo (Spain), University Paris-Sud (France), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), and many others.

For a few years we have successfully implemented six Tempus projects with Hertfordshire university (Great Britain), Cork University (Ireland), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), University of Alicante (Spain) and many others. Also we took part in five Erasmus + programmes (KA1 and KA2) for both student and staff exchange, for studying, teaching and training. In the frame of continuing Erasmus+ CRIMHUM with University of Graz (Austria) we are modernizing the NLU’ master programmes according to European standards of human rights.

Our University offers a number of joint Master’s programmes of two (and three) diplomas in English language together with Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), Universitу Savoie Mont Blanc (France), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia).

The following joint European projects had the most significant results.

The participants of the project “Development of Resource Based Learning” developed teaching materials on EU law, EU Consumer Law, Comparative Criminal, Commercial, Environmental, Constitutional Law. The end result was the so-called “learning culture”, which encourages active and productive comprehending of courses.

The main tasks of the project “E-Learning: the Virtual Law Library and Law Consultancy Centre” were creation and use of virtual law library, upgrading of curricula and training programs, development of new learning materials. Six e-learning courses were developed: “E-Commerce”, “IT Law”, “International Trade”, “World Trade Organization”, “EU Competition Law”, “External Relations of the EU”. These courses are delivered distantly via LAN or Internet.

The project “Quality Assurance for Evaluating Student Learning” was one of the most successful EU projects. This was a university management project focusing on the restructuring of the management, administration and quality enhancement of student assessment. The wider objective was to assure comparable standards of provision and assessment in Ukraine with awards offered throughout higher education in Europe. The University introduced systems and mechanisms to meet fully the requirements and expectations of external EU accreditation bodies. These mechanisms were applied to three new master degree programs being introduced at the Academy. The University new programs and the new quality assurance systems were externally validated. These reforms provided expertise and experience for reform of existing courses, institution wide. The reform at University will provided expertise and experience for reform across higher education in Ukraine.

The following objectives were successfully achieved during the project “Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Energy and Environmental Law Studies”: an interdisciplinary Energy and Environmental Law program for master and doctoral students was introduced; the mechanism for intensive capacity building measures for Ukrainian law tutors was provided; the consultancy bureau on Energy and Environmental Law was established in Ukraine.

One of the most important areas of the University cooperation with foreign universities was cooperation with Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany). The two universities organized regular sessions of joint Ukrainian-German School of European Law. More than a hundred students have already received certificates of this school. Under the “visiting professors” agreement, German professors delivered lectures and workshops for students. Professor Karl-Hermann Kästner from the University of Tübingen was elected Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

 The ambassadors of various countries regularly visit the University. They conduct meetings with students and members of the academic staff. Success of the international activity of University is proved by the fact that at the 7th International Exhibition “Modern Education Institutions – 2016” the University received Grand Prix “The Leader of International Activity”. Also, in 2018 at the X International Exhibition “Innovation in Modern Education” the University received a gold medal and a diploma in the category “Innovative educational environment: new challenges and modern solutions”.