Partners of the University

Academic mobility of students is an important factor that not only enables them to acquire new unique professional knowledge and improve foreign language skills, but also contributes to the formation of tolerance and multicultural communication skills necessary for successful careers in multinational teams of international organizations and businesses.

Yaroslav Mudryi National University of Law has partnership agreements with many leading EU universities and develops cooperation with universities in the United States and China.

Each year, students from all faculties of the University who speak English, French, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese have the opportunity to spend one academic semester abroad, taking into account the results of study.

According to the curricula, students of the 4th year of bachelor’s degree (7th semester) and the 1st year of master’s degree (2nd semester) can participate in academic mobility programmes.

Requirements for candidates for the mobility program (depending on the university):

Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) – English level B2, confirmed by an international certificate;

University of Montpellier (Montpellier, France) – French level B2, confirmed by an international certificate;

University of Lodz (Lodz, Poland) – knowledge of English, confirmed by results of an interview;

Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal) – Portuguese or Spanish level B1, confirmed by an international certificate;

University of Milan (Milan, Italy) – Italian level B1, confirmed by an international certificate;

East China University of Political Science and Law (Shanghai, China) – English level B2, confirmed by an international certificate; University of Santiago de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) – Spanish level B1, confirmed by an international certificate.