International Relations Office


Oleksandr Chastnyk
Senior Manager
PhD, Asst. Professor

Alla Grynchak
Senior Manager
PhD, Asst. Professor

The International Relations Office was established in 2002.

The tasks of the Office are:

  • ensuring cooperation of the University in the field of higher legal education with educational and research institutions of other countries and international organizations;
  • organization of international activities of the University, development of methods of its implementation, drafting of agreements and other documents for the implementation of the University’s tasks in the field of international relations;
  • organization and support of international projects, participation in international educational and research programmes, coordination of the University’s activities in international cooperation projects within European and world educational and other programmes;
  • coordination of the activities of the University on the development and implementation of international agreements, programmes and projects, providing informational and methodological assistance on international cooperation to the departments, faculties, other units of the University, lecturers, students and staff;
  • organization of protocol events (meetings of foreign delegations, etc.);
  • information activities aimed at strengthening the image of the University as an educational institution for the training of specialists with international recognition.
International Relations Office

77 Hryhoriia Skovorody Street, Kharkiv, office 92

+38 (057) 704-93-31