Forced labour and migration: V4&EaP’s Effective Response
The project “Forced labour and migration: V4&EaP’s Effective Response” supported by the Videgrad Fund (or
The project will be implemented by the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University in the period from 01/10/2021 till 31/12/2022.
Recognizing the importance of combating forced labor (FL) and addressing specific vulnerabilities of migrants to modern slavery, the project examines recent efforts of V4&EaP states, businesses, CSOs and academia in the region in combating FL in general, and implementing identification and prevention tools in particular. The project aims to raise awareness and build the capacity of the state bodies, business, CSOs, and human rights defenders on effective responses to FL risks and to create the platforms for exchange developments and good practices on preventing FL in a situation of migration.
The University partners represent scientific institutions and human rights organizations from seven countries of the region:
Belarus – Belarusian Helsinki Committee
Armenia – Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor
Georgia – Civil Development Agency (CIDA)
Moldova – Institute for Business and Human Rights of the Republic of Moldova
Poland – Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business
Slovakia – SME SPOLU
Czech Republic – Human Rights Research Center (UNCE)
Background of the project. The global community has pledged, through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to address global challenges to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. SDG 8.7 aims to eradicate modern slavery, trafficking, forced labour and the worst forms of child labour by 2030. Also covered by the SDGs is migration, most notably under SDG 10.7, which aims to facilitate orderly, safe, and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies. The expectations of proper, diligent, effective measures to implement these goals are set both for governments and for all entities in development processes, including business and civil society. Due to the growing socio-economic challenges, we expect from each other greater transparency, greater trust and the dissemination of responsible business conduct.
The project aims to:
- Identify a set of salient features that will help us better understand the relevant connections between migration and vulnerability to forced labour;
- Compare the efforts by governments and businesses in V4&EaP countries in combating forced labour and evaluate the opportunities and challenges in promoting responsible business conduct;
- Create the platform for policymakers, BHR experts, government officials, investors, and representatives of recruitment companies and civil society groups to discuss key challenges faced by businesses when implementing measures to tackle forced labour in the V4&EaP region;
- Better understand the effects of EU policies and regulations upon migrant workers;
- Explore the relationship between everyday abuses and interventions targeting forced labour.
Information about events within the project and project’s developments, including policy papers and practical guide that will be prepared, will be posted on this web-page.