Erasmus+ Project HRLAW
European Human Rights Law for Universities of Ukraine and Moldova, 573861-EPP-1-2016-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Project acronym: HRLAW
Regional Joint Project
Priority – Curricula Development
Project duration: 15 October 2016 – 14 October 2019
EU funding instrument: European Neighbourhood Instrument (Erasmus+: KA2 CBHE) Erasmus+ (CBHE) grant amount: 746 380.00 €
Target groups: university students, PhD students, refugees from occupied territories.
Grant holder: Tallinna Tehnikaulikool, Estonia
Coordinator and General Manager: Dr. Madli KRISPIN, Head of International projects Department; Contacts: tel: +372 620 35 02 e-mail:
- Tallinna Tehnikaulikool, Estonia;
- University College Cork, National University Of Ireland, Republic of Ireland;
- Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan, Sweden;
- University of Huddersfield, Great Britain;
- Inercia Digital S.L., Spain;
- Moldova State University, Moldova;
- Police Academy «Stefan cel Mare», Moldova;
- Alecu Russo Balti State University, Moldova;
- Centrul Republican pentru copii si tineret GUTTA-CLUB, Moldova;
- Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, Moldova;
- National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine;
- National Aerospace University named after M. Zukovskiy «Kharkiv Aerospace Institute», Ukraine;
- Khmelnitsky National University, Ukraine;
- International Scientific Technical university, Ukraine;
- Ukrainian Students Association, Ukraine;
- Non-Governmental Organisation “MAMA-86”, Ukraine;
- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
Project goals and objectives:
The wider objective of the HRLAW project is to enable Ukraine and Moldova to face the challenges of dealing with Human Rights policies in accordance with EU and international standards through capacity and institutional building measures.
Specific project objectives are:
- to establish the Offices of Student Ombudsman and to introduce the Code of Academic Integrity by September 2019;
- to introduce a case-oriented programme on Human Rights for master students in Ukrainian and Moldavian universities by September 2019;
- to introduce a case-oriented programme on Human Rights for doctoral students in Ukrainian and Moldavian universities by September 2019;
- to provide the mechanism for intensive capacity building measures for Ukrainian and Moldavian Law tutors by September 2019.
- in-depth and SWOT analysis;
- creation and incorporation of Offices of Student Ombudsman (OSO) into host universities structure;
- equipping of the OSO offices;
- development of master modules, lecture books and internship schedule;
- development of doctoral modules, lecture books and internship schedule;
- implementation of curricula, guest lectures and internships;
- training by EU experts at UA & MD universities;
- development of LLL modules;
- preparation of technical and financial reports;
- executing inter-project coaching act-s;
- design and initial development of the web site;
- development of funding maps;
- operational & financial project management.
Expected results
- Analyzed experience and best practice examples of the EU partners;
- Offices of Student Ombudsman (OSO) established at the PCUs within already existing relevant centers;
- 2 national code of academic integrity protocols developed and verified;
- Curricula & lecture books for 9 master modules for all 6 UA and MD universities developed;
- Case-oriented Human Rights curricula of 5 doctoral modules and lecture books for doctoral students are developed, verified and piloted;
- OSO equipped;
- Curricula + Lecture Books for 2 Lifelong Learning modules;
- The project website and OSOs web-sites developed;
- Two national funding maps, workplans developed;
- Quality plan developed, internal and external project evaluation performed.
- Dissemination & Sustainability Strategy developed and implemented.
- Project coordination, financial and operational management performed.
Project coordinator in Ukraine
National Aerospace University named after M. Zukovskiv «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
(KhAI);; tel.: +38(057) 788-40-18. +38 (057) 788-40-09. fax: +38 (57) 315-11-31
Responsible person:
Dr. Kostiantyn DANKO, International Projects Manager
Contacts: tel.: +380957275652; +38 (057) 788-40-59; e-mail:
Partners from Ukraine
National Law University (NLU);
tel.: +380577041120; fax: +380577041171;
Responsible person:
Dr. Oleksandr Chastnyk, Head International Relations Office Contacts: tel.:+380577049331, email:
Khmelnitskiy National University (KhNU);
tel.: +380382728076; fax: +380382223265; Responsible person: Dr. Dmytro Medzatyi, Associate Professor Contacts: tel.:+380677128686 e-mail:
All-Ukrainian environmental nongovernmental organisation “MAMA-86”; tel.: +380444561338; fax: +380444534796; Responsible person: Dr. Olga Tsygulyova, Deputy Head Contacts: tel.:+380670220817
Ukrainian Students Association
tel.: +380674466077; fax: +380444569290; Responsible person:
Mr. Stanislav Kutsenko, Director Contacts: tel.:+380674466077, e-mail:
International Scientific Technical University (ISTU); tel.: +380442915364; fax: +380445592433;
Responsible person:
Prof. Veronika Khudoley, Rector Contacts: tel.:+380674665155 e-mail:
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
tel.: +380444813221; tel.: +380444813280
fax: +380444814796
Responsible person:
Mrs. Anna NOVOSAD Head of International Cooperation and European Integration Department e-mail: