Erasmus+ Project CRIMHUM

Modernisation of master programmes for future judges, prosecutors, investigators with respect to European standard on human rights, 598471-EPP-1-2018-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project acronym –   CRIMHUM

Regional Multi-Country Joint Project   

Priority – Higher Education and Society

Project duration: 15 January 2019 – 14 January 2022

EU funding instrument: European Neighbourhood Instrument (Erasmus+: КА2 CBHE)

Erasmus+ (CBHE) grant  amount:  968744,00 €

Target groups: university students (the prospective judges, prosecutors and investigators)

Grant holder: University of Graz (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria)

Coordinator and General Manager: Dr. Gabriele SCHMÖLZER, Professor, Head of the Institute for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology Contacts: tel: +43 316 380 6681, e-mail:


  • University of Potsdam, Germany
  • Aix-Marseille University, France
  • Faculty of Law of University of Rijeka, Croatia
  • Vilnius University, Lithuania
  • Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
  • Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine
  • National University “Odesa Academy of Law”, Ukraine

Project goals and objectives:

The goal of the CRIMHUM Project, taking into account the synergy with TRADIR Project, is to modernize training in the most conservative field of jurisprudence, so that to meet the needs of employers and society, based on the priority of the Law, through the development and implementation of a specialized Master’s program in criminal justice based on the Guiding Concept. 

Specific project objectives are:

  • development and introduction of a specialized Master’s program in criminal justice;
  • development and introduction of new courses for Ukraine on the basis of interdisciplinary training, that are regarding the threats posed by modern criminality (for example, information technology crime, trans-border crime);
  • writing a textbook in the official languages of the Project participants;
  • combiningthe traditional legal education with a practical approach to learning;
  • additional training of teachers from Ukraine for the purpose of delivering the criminal law courses in English.


  • Developing the plan and strategy of the Project;
  • Training the conduct of an investigation;
  • Training of the organization of public prosecution;
  • Training the court activity (including understanding of the approach, based on law);
  • Providing education, taking into account the observance of the basic principles of law in general and criminal justice in particular;
  • Teaching students the main tendencies of criminal and procedural law in EU countries;
  • Study of the influence of foreign, supranational and international law on national criminal and procedural law;
  • Installing the special software at law faculties that will help students to prepare procedural documents;
  • Conducting an internal and external evaluations of the Project;
  • Creating a web resource to highlight the progress of the Project implementation;
  • Dissemination of good practices and achievements obtained within the Project;
  • Providing the operational and financial management of the Project.

Expected results:

  • Developing the plan and strategy of the Project;
  • Training the conduct of an investigation has been provided;
  • Training of the organization of public prosecution has been conducted;
  • Training the court activity (including understanding of the approach, based on law) has been organized;
  • Providing education, taking into account the observance of the basic principles of law in general and criminal justice in particular, has been carried out;
  • Students have been taught the main tendencies of criminal and procedural law in EU countries;
  • The influence of foreign, supranational and international law on national criminal and procedural law has been studied;
  • The special software at law faculties that will help students to prepare procedural documents has been installed;
  • The internal and external evaluations of the Project have been organized;
  • The web resource to highlight the progress of the Project implementation has been created;
  • The good practices and achievements obtained within the Project have been disseminated;
  • The operational and financial management of the Project has been provided.

On March 31, 2020, a registration card of the project No. 4352 was signed in the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

From this date, the project is considered registered as international technical assistance in Ukraine and

the activities carried out within the framework of the project in Ukraine fall under the legislation on international technical assistance and the project is recognized by the state.

Project coordinator in Ukraine:

Ivan Franko Lviv National University;; +380322394277, +380322394122: +380322616048

Partners from Ukraine:

Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University:; +380577049293; +380577049365

National University “Odesa Academy of Law”:; +380487196421; +380482639764

 Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:; +380444813221; +380444813280; +380444814796