Development Strategy and Vision for 2021-2025
The mission of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University is to develop the intellectual potential of students of the 3rd level of higher education through the development of educational and research resources of the University, dissemination of knowledge, integration of research and educational activities of professionals with an innovative type of thinking.
The vision: Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University is a leader in innovative education and research in the field of jurisprudence, it demonstrates a constant desire for self-improvement in accordance with international standards, practices innovative approaches to organizing the teaching process, research activity and acquiring practical skills of the highest quality.
The values: personal rights and freedoms; the University community; leadership; creativity; professionalism; freedom of choice; virtue; patriotism; implementation of the state language policy; internationalization; ethno-cultural and interreligious tolerance; academic integrity; responsibility; serving the interests of the community, society and the state; active civil position.
The system of collective values determines the main guidelines of behaviour of members of the University community, developing a sense of value-oriented unity, corporate solidarity and responsibility, which is the key to the University’s implementation of its statutory objectives and development strategy.
The strategic priority of the University is to achieve the European, and in the future – the world level in the main areas of its activities on the basis of:
- development of integration, competence, innovative approaches to teaching and research;
- coordination of teaching and research processes, updating of educational and research base;
- expanding the range of educational programs;
- development and improvement of innovative educational technologies using the principles of lifelong learning: pre-university training (law colleges), basic higher education (bachelor and master), training of highly qualified personnel (doctoral, postdoctoral), further professional education (advanced training and professional retraining).
- improving the material support and social working conditions of the teaching staff, students and post-graduate researchers;
- use of intensive IT forms of education;
- integration of researchers into the world research community;
- transformation of research activity of the University into a factor of innovative development of the Kharkiv region and the state as a whole;
- expanding the range of educational services through the implementation of LLL, in particular in the form of distance and open learning, in accordance with the needs of the economy and the individual;
- expansion and strengthening of centres of competence in the areas of research and teaching;
- formation and implementation of long-term policy of the University in the field of language training of students, post-graduate researchers, lecturers;
- strengthening the position of the University in the international educational and research community;
- formation of a reserve of academic staff of the University from its graduates, systematic rejuvenation of the academic staff;
- promotion of the brand of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University by advertising its achievements in teaching, research and innovative activities through participation in international exhibitions, organization of international forums and conferences on research, teaching and methodological issues, publications in popular world editions.