Awards and ratings of the University
The university enjoys a high reputation among recognized legal centres of Ukraine and abroad, for many years holds a leading position in the field of legal education, which is confirmed by various ratings and numerous awards, demand for the graduates, its attractiveness to applicants.
According to the results of the Compass All-Ukrainian rating of universities, which takes into account the assessment of employers and graduates, the University remains the leader among law schools in Ukraine. The University was awarded the gold medal of the 13th International Exhibition of Educational Institutions “Modern Education in Ukraine-2010”,which was annually held by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the CARSHE exhibition company, in the nomination “Innovations in the implementation of IT technologies in the teaching process” for innovative development “Modern architecture of information educational environment”; took the first place and was awarded the diploma of the winner of the competition in the category “Innovations in Higher Education” for innovative development “Semantic information and educational portal of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University” at the international exhibition-presentation “Innovations in Education of Ukraine”; received the Grand Prix “Leader of Higher Education of Ukraine” at the international exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions – 2010”; the university was awarded a gold medal at the 14th International Exhibition of Educational Institutions “Modern Education in Ukraine – 2011” in the nomination “Introduction of new forms of organization of the teaching process at universities” and was awarded the honorary title “Leader of Modern Education 2012”; at the 16th International Exhibition of Educational Institutions “Modern Education in Ukraine – 2013” won a gold medal in the nomination “International Cooperation in Higher Education”; at the 5th International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions-2014” won the Grand Prix “Leader of Higher Education” in the nomination “International Activity”.
During 2015–2020, the University won the Grand Prix in the nomination “The Law University of the Year” at the International Professional Specialized Exhibition “ZNO-2016. Education in Ukraine. Education Abroad”; became the winner in the state competition for the best campus in the nomination “The best building of an educational institution” and was awarded the award “The best building of 2016 in Ukraine”; received the Grand Prix in the nomination “University of the Year” at the 4th International Professional Specialized Exhibition “Education in Ukraine. Education Abroad” under the slogan “Study in Ukraine” and at the 5th International Exhibition “Innovations in Modern Education”; at the 9th International Exhibition “Education Abroad “World Edu” the University got Gold Medal and Diploma “For active innovation in improving the quality of teaching process” (2017), won the 9th International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions – 2018” and received the Grand Prix “Leader of Higher Education of Ukraine”; according to the results of the 10th International Exhibition “Innovation in Modern Education” it was awarded a gold medal and a diploma in the nomination “Innovative educational environment: new challenges and modern solutions”; received the Grand Prix “Leader of Activity” at the 10th International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions” and a gold medal in the nomination “Innovative activity of educational institutions – a resource for quality assurance” at the International Exhibition “Innovations in Modern Education – 2019”, etc.